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  • Writer's pictureMahtab Abghari

Repeat & Shuffle; The six commandments to repeating outfits

Updated: Apr 10, 2020

Take a moment and ask yourself, how many times do you wear an outfit before deeming it old? I vividly remember up until a few years ago, I would have dilemmas about what to wear. My mom would pick something out for me, only for me to reply: No, not that one! I’ve already worn it like three times!

Clothes are used more like consumables nowadays. People are so easily bored with the clothes they have. However, I believe repeating outfits and adding a new flair each time you wear it calls for a huge amount of creativity.

Having a minimal set of clothes and mixing and matching between what we own instead of constantly labeling our clothes “old and outdated” is a great way of practicing sustainable fashion. Here are a few tips on how to achieve the perfect repeat-friendly wardrobe:

Owning timeless pieces

Some things never go out of style. If you are the person that is drawn to classic chic styles, opt in for owning pieces that stay fresh and sleek throughout several years. The little black dress, the white dress shirt, and the trenchcoat are great examples.

No matter how you choose to style these pieces, they will always stand out.

Keeping a neutral colour palette

Having a neutral colour palette throughout your closet with a few accent pieces can ease mixing and matching. That way most of your clothes will at least look well together in terms of colour and the possibilities are endless. Here are a few neutral colour palettes for your inspiration.

Accentuating the look with statement pieces and accessories

If you’re the type that gets bored when there’s a lack of colour, focus on purchasing accessories that are bold in colour and style. Not only will the neutral colour palette help the statement pieces stand out, the accessories will likely look better with a wider range of clothes.

Versatility is your best friend

To own a minimal yet efficient wardrobe, it’s smart to own a few versatile pieces that can be transitioned through different occasions with minor adjustments. Here’s an example of one of my favorite versatile pieces, styled for three different occasions.

Quality over Quantity

Even if you aren’t going for a minimal wardrobe, you always have to keep this rule in mind. Having countless clothes that will rip and tear, or wear off in the short course of a few months has vast implications on the environment. Research what you're planning on buying and read a lot of reviews before you make a purchase.

Preserve your clothes.

Keep your clothes in good shape by paying attention to the care label. We can’t control everything that happens to our clothes, but we do have control over some things. tape a care list like the one below on your drier and make sure to practice mindful laundry to avoid ruining your garments.

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